Apple II

Apple II - unknown home-made thingy connected to cassette in.

This is a little thing I found in an Apple II I bought in Dec. 2008. It seems to generate a 2 Hz signal to the cassette input.


My Apple IIc computer

My Apple IIc!


My Apple ][e from eBay

The guy I bought it from bought the case in a different auction.


Apple II+ video signal

One line of image on the video signal from my Apple II+.


Address 0x0005 reference trace

This is a trace of the Apple II+ address lines 0 to 13, and the SYNC and PHI0 signals (top), around the only refernce to address 0x0005 it does before it crashes. Strangely, this reference is only a part of a LDA instruction at address 0xF88C (you can see SYNC signal is low, indicating that processor is NOT reading an op code). Execution continues normally after the reference at address 0xF88E.


Apple II+ fault search

Oscilloscope screen showing D0 signal (yellow) from peripheral connector 7 on Apple II+, and some address bits (cyan). No peripheral cards are installed, it's just the monitor that is running. I suspect that the poor look of the signal is due to the PROM's characteristics, and that it is causing my II+ to crash whenever I boot from disk.


Raycast Exit

View of exit doors. Turn around to see the cool surprise.


Raycast Hall

View looking down outside hallway with windows


Raycast Room

View in main room looking at a door.


My REV 0 Apple ][ before restoration

My REV 0 Apple ][ before restoration.
Problems: Keyboard not working, Motherboard non functional. Power supply not working. Dead spiders.



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