I found CATSEND 3.0! And a interesting bit on the first Texting Voice Mail for a BBS in the 1980's.

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I found CATSEND 3.0! And a interesting bit on the first Texting Voice Mail for a BBS in the 1980's.

Has anyone noticed in Applewin , you are not able to create any Virtual Disks? I had to go back to a later version of Applewin to do this. Normally you would boot up a DOS 3.3 Disk , click on a Drive Icon , type in the name of the File you wish to create , hit Enter , then in BASIC you would type INIT HELLO . This would create the .DSK file , but for some reason in the newer versions of Applewin you get an I/O Error! I noticed this because I finally found CATSEND 3.0!! So I created a .DSK file and copied the file CATEND 3.0 to it and put a fresh DOS on it and it boots perfectly!

Anyhow I know that I have asked in the past for CATSEND , so I finally got it , and thanks to everyone in the past for links and what not for any Novation Applecat Programs...

I do have some interesting news , some friends of mine ran two boards in Southern Cal back in the day , one was called The Simarilian and the other was Dune .. These boards were incredible! They both had a Wait option when logging onto the BBS. The wait was for using a Touch Tone Phone to recieve Text Messages! It was rather interesting because you would enter " 1 " To go to Voice Messages or " 2 " to log onto the BBS. The texting part was simular to todays Texting , you would use the buttons #'s to chose different letters and so on. Then you had the option to leave the message to a persons voice mail box . SAM the Speach Automated Mouth program was used also to deliever the voice mail! I am working with others to get the actual program up and running again , I really think this was the first of it's kind program back in the 80's to do such a thing , in regards to any BBS of it's kind back then. There will be follow ups on this and hopefully I will be able to link people to view it .

But getting back to the creating virtual floppies in Applewin , that was basically my beef and hopefully someone will let the good folks over at Applewin to know what's up and to correct the problem. I really use Applewin because my friend's Non-Autostart F-8 ROM is included in Applewin when running under Apple II+ :O) a real kick-azz Rom that , if you know what you are doing , can do alot of great exploring of 6502 Machine language! Great for Cracking into any copyright protection back in the day :O) This rom works excellent in any Apple II+ ! I should know , all my II+'s are running it :O)

See ya


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Re: I found CATSEND 3.0! And a interesting bit on the first Tex

Has anyone noticed in Applewin , you are not able to create any Virtual Disks? I had to go back to a later version of Applewin to do this. Normally you would boot up a DOS 3.3 Disk , click on a Drive Icon , type in the name of the File you wish to create , hit Enter , then in BASIC you would type INIT HELLO . This would create the .DSK file , but for some reason in the newer versions of Applewin you get an I/O Error!

[...] that was basically my beef and hopefully someone will let the good folks over at Applewin to know what's up and to correct the problem.

That's your job - "they" don't necessarily hang out here. Please write up your findings at the AppleWin developer site - Tom is good about responding to them:

Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
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Patrick, can you please uploa

Patrick, can you please upload the Catsend .dsk file to Asimov for posterity? Thanks!


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Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
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I would if I only knew how to Upload the file...

I would love to upload the file if I only knew how to!
Do I have to use a FTP client of something like that?


Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
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You use an FTP and upload to

You use an FTP and upload to the /incoming directory of Asimov.

I see it in the incoming folder of Asimov now, so it looks like either you or someone else figured it out. Thanks.

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Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
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Posts: 226

hmm is there also one called Apple II Warez or something like that in a a zip form? If so that's my complete collection of .dsk images also! If anyone wants it , it's worth the d/l .


Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago
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Posts: 5
I didn't see anything in Asim

I didn't see anything in Asimov related to the title Apple II Warez. Can you re-upload?

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Last seen: 6 years 11 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 226
ok I'm using CuteFTP for wind

ok I'm using CuteFTP for windows because when ever I use ws_FTP pro it will not let me connect to asimov's site with out a password! so any how , when I use CuteFTP it let's me d/l everything fine , but when I go into one of my directories and choose the file I want to upload , and on the right handside of my screen that shows asimov's site directory , I hit upload and it gives errors saying no such file or directory! I try to go into incoming directory also and get the same effect , so maybe I am doing something wrong and possibly someone can guide me in the right direction on what I am doing...



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